First Visit to Physical Therapist (Getting Old)

January 20, 2010

After the Dry Needle experience yesterday, I put on Arnica gel before going to bed hoping that I wouldn’t wake up all sore and in pain. Honestly, the osteopathic doc did scare me a little when he said that no one had gotten trigger point needled without the injections due to the pain and muscle soreness. When I woke up I was more sore then yesterday but absolutely not intolerable at all. Everything always feels better after a hot shower.

In an attempt to save some time, I’d already filled out the paper work for the Physical Therapist’s office online and submitted it. Therefore, it was pretty easy after I’d gotten to the office. That is, first I had to battle one of those confusing parking garages where everyone goes the wrong way the first time. No matter how detailed directions one has received, there is no way of getting it right the first time so after I’d reparked the car to avoid getting towed while being treated, which the office manager said happens quite often, I was ready to meet with my first ever Physical Therapist…


The visit lasted for almost two hours including an evaluation, some manual manipulations and then some exerices. One of my first thoughts as I’m sitting across from the PT describing what’s going on, which by the way cannot for sure be linked to a specific injury or accident, is that I’m getting old. Yes, in my twenties, I didn’t physically struggle and whatever surfaced would vanish just as fast. Now, I’m sitting here being manipulated as if I’m too old to move my own body and definitely feeling a weakness in my left shoulder where I used to be pretty strong. So instead of lifting weights, I’ll be doing isometric exercises for a while, feel the burn, some stability ball exerices and the popular and beloved plank and side plank positions. Well, at least I left with a burn and a sensation in my shoulder moving down my arm that was much more fierce than when I first arrived.


Still, I’m so grateful for what’s available and that there are numerous options and alternatives for us to explore whenever we experience pain and or injuries. My body is in good health, I can still do what I love and iad others in their personal journeys toward health and happiness.