Setting Goals In Our Lives

June 16, 2010

Reaching for the top

Everyone has dreams of what we would like to become or do with our lives. As a seven year old, I wanted to become a writer. It was my dream to grow up and become successful using written words like the authors I worshipped so much. At seven, I knew nothing about goals, and the significance of setting goals in order to know what direction to go in.

Many people have clear goals. They see clearly what they want to do, write it down and work hard to achieve them. Others think that having goals is limiting and too structured, which chokes creativity and freedom. Besides, taking an honest look at our goals is scary. There are so many fears connected with goal setting. What if we don’t deserve what we want? What if we are not capable enough? What if we reach our goals, and then what? People’s expectations of us will change and what happens if we fail after that glorious success? The pressure is enormous and the fears might become overwhelming.

What I’ve learned slowly over many years is that there are numerous tools available to take advantage of in a positive and constructive manner to reach my goals. We are surrounded by leaders who willingly share with us ways to handle situations and old ideas holding us back. Tony Robbins talks about outcomes for example. We are unsure which option to choose, afraid that only one of those options will produce the right result. We are programmed to believe that there are only two results, right or wrong. Tony Robbins talks about letting go of that idea and beginning to see that different choices have different outcomes. Those outcomes are neither right nor wrong, which takes some of the pressure off that if we make that one wrong decision, we are forever doomed.

Rhonda Byrnes, the author of The Secret also talks about the law of attraction and having a clear vision. According to her and many others, our thoughts are powerful and we will attract what we think! Therefore, it makes a difference if we focus our minds on positive thoughts and abundance as supposed to negative thoughts and shortage. Another tool discussed in her book The Secret is keeping a vision board. Having a clear image of what our goals are and what it looks like will help us in our decision making process and to recognize solutions when they face us.

In addition, we need stillness to reflect on what it is that we truly want in our lives. Setting goals is not that big of a deal because we can always change them. But as many of those I’ve talked with, we don’t know what our goals are and we feel frightened and confused. That’s where a day of quiet reflection or meditation might do us good. It will give us a chance to grow closer to ourselves and listen to that inner voice that knows what is true to us. A daily practice of writing and/or meditation will clear the mind like nothing else. Thai Yoga Massage is an effective way to bring about stillness, focus on our breath and clearing one’s mind to better connect with one’s body. Many of us can become much better at taking care of ourselves in our rushed society. Simply by exercising, eating healthy, and sometimes treating ourselves to recharge our batteries by getting a full body massage that promotes our energy, circulation, removal of toxins, combined with acupressure we will see clearly what it is that we want and what gives our lives purpose and fulfillment.